BEAmer reaches few conclusions on Yogi sinking

21 February 2013 • Written by Marilyn Mower

While the safety investigation report of the BEAmer (Bureau Enquête Accident Mer) on the foundering of Yogi on February 17, 2012, sets out the conclusions reached by the investigators, the agency is quick to point out that the analysis was not carried out to determine or apportion criminal responsibility nor to assess individual or collective liability.

The 132 page report released today in French and English sets out three probable scenarios for the sinking, each identifying various primary, secondary and tertiary factors that could be causal or aggravating. It also documents the inspections undertaken by ABS before the vessel was switched to French Flag registration, those done at the end of build and inspections done or not during the warranty period, particularly as they relate to stability tests and three specific compartments — Beach Club 1, Beach Club 2 and Steering Gear Compartment — which were reported as the initial areas of flooding reported by the crew.

Yogi is the third vessel in the 60 metre series built by Proteksan-Turquoise in Turkey and was delivered in 2011. She registered 1,028 GT. Boat International will follow this announcement with a comprehensive report of the findings and especially on the nine recommendations for design changes, crew operations and communications between builder, owner, and classification societies/flag states. We will assess the report itself as well as reporting on the findings contained within in a followup report.

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