Preview: Ocean Talks 2018 speakers on why you should attend

Tackling plastic pollution

AJ Sutherland - Chief Officer of _Black Pearl_

Oceanco’s 106.7 metre Black Pearl is one of the world's most advanced and eco-friendly superyachts, offering true zero-emissions cruising.

While ultra-modern engineering and technology keep her environmentally friendly, her crew take much simpler measures like using canteen water bottles and re-filling from a dedicated drinking water tap in the crew mess. Chief Officer AJ Sutherland wants to see more being done to reduce plastic waste. “For a yacht with 25 crew who are all meant to drink three litres a day, that’s six bottles of 500ml x 25 = 150 a day, 1,050 a week, 55,000 bottles a year – one yacht!

“I have had the privilege of going to some of the remotest beaches in the Pacific – little atolls in the middle of nowhere. In the last 10 years I’ve never walked along one without seeing at least one flip flop or plastic water bottle on the beach line”.

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