When cruising long passages or working a busy charter season, it's important to keep your health in tip-top condition. And while medical professionals agree the best way to do this is to get a good night's sleep, it's not always easy when working shifts and balancing other responsibilities. Enter NIGHT POWDER, a game-changing performance supplement created by Georgie and Ben Ainslie. Containing only the highest-quality, evidence-backed ingredients, this supplement will help you sleep like an elite athlete.
“Can I have what he’s having?” is how ainslie + ainslie started. It was January 2021, and along with the rest of the world, Georgie and Ben Ainslie were adapting to the new normal. Having decamped 300 America’s Cup team members and their families to New Zealand during the Covid-19 pandemic for the 36th edition of the Cup, keeping well took on a whole new meaning – it became everything to the team and those supporting them. Getting sick wasn’t an option, yet it was the team's biggest threat. And so Georgie began paying attention to what Ben and his teammates were doing to keep their heads above water and started asking the human performance team responsible for the athletes’ health and wellbeing more questions.
Hearing about their regimen of meaningful supplements supported by sport science-led thinking changed how Georgie looked at sleep, recovery, immunity and energy – health fundamentals to everyone, not just elite athletes. That’s when she asked the question, “Can I have what he’s having?” And what came back was a firm “Yes.”
Super sleep
After three years of development, Georgie and Ben are launching ainslie + ainslie performance powders: NIGHT POWDER, available now at ainslieainslie.com for anyone who wants what athletes depend on – better sleep and recovery, with DAY POWDER to follow next year.
“When was the last time you had a good day on a bad night’s sleep?” asks Georgie. “Modern life is flatlining our body clocks. We are sleeping less and the sleep we do get is poorer quality. This affects mood, stress levels, energy and immunity.”
NIGHT POWDER uses evidence-backed ingredients in meaningful doses to give the body what it needs when it needs it most. The sport science-led formulation contains three hero ingredients: affron® Saffron improves sleep quality and boosts mental wellbeing; CherryPURE® Montmorency tart cherry reduces inflammation and oxidative stress; and L-Glycine increases sleep efficiency and supports physical recovery.
An independent study saw 66 people take NIGHT POWDER over 12 weeks. According to the findings, 88 per cent reported improved sleep scores on their trackers, 89 per cent found it easier to calm their minds, 87 per cent talked of feeling better, and 86 per cent felt that they had more sustained energy.
Some of the world’s top sailing athletes speak highly of the performance supplement. “Normally when my alarm goes off, I struggle to get going. Since taking NIGHT POWDER, I’m pinging first thing,” notes David Carr, INEOS Britannia cyclor. While Nick Hutton, Emirates Great Britain SailGP grinder, says: “NIGHT POWDER has made a great improvement to my sleep quality, according to my Garmin. Apparently, I’m also less grumpy!”
Meanwhile, Hannah Mills, women’s America’s Cup skipper, double Olympic gold medallist and full-time mother, is thankful for the effects of NIGHT POWDER: “Juggling elite sport with a two-year-old in tow isn’t always easy. Anything that helps my sleep and recovery is a game-changer.”
“Everyone’s looking for better, including me,” says Georgie. “If NIGHT POWDER can improve performance in Ben’s world, then it can do a job for the rest of us. It’s time to share it.”
ainslie + ainslie is Informed Sport-approved and the official supplement supplier to the INEOS Britannia and Emirates GBR SailGP teams. Use BOATINT20 at the checkout to get 20 per cent off your first order.
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