Following a successful inaugural show in 2013, the organisers of the 2014 Palma Superyacht Show have signed an agreement with MYBA for a second show to take place between 30 April 30 and 4 May, 2014.
Running concurrently with the well-established Boat Show Palma, the Superyacht Show already has 49 yachts booked: forty in the 22 metre to 35 metre category, three between 35 metres and 40 metres and six more than 40 metres LOA. The largest yacht currently booked is the 47.8m Heesen motor yacht Let it Be, to be displayed by Burgess. Furthermore, 28 yacht-related exhibitors have confirmed attendance so far with more expected.
Admission to the show will be either via a guest pass or by public entrance with a fee payable on the day. Opening times are between 11 am and 8 pm daily with an extended opening Sea Night planned for Friday, 2 May from 11 am to 11 pm.